Jonesville First Presbyterian Church
300 East Chicago Street
P. O. Box 6
Jonesville, MI 49250
Office Hours: Tues. and Wed. 8:30AM - 11:30AM; Thurs. 8:30AM - 12:30AM
Phone: (517) 849-9505
Cormorant Garamond is a classic font with a modern twist. It's easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text.

Moments to Remember
Would you like to enjoy some time of fun and fellowship with other church members for no other reason than the fact that we like each other, we like good food, and we like spending time together?
Join us on the THIRD THURSDAY of each month at NOON. _We'll give it a trial run for 3 months to see if there is enough interest to keep going.
January 26 - Olivia's
February 16 - Saucy Dog
March 16 - El Cerrito's Hillsdale
July 27-Outpost Grille Allen
Aug. 24-Spanglers
Sept.28-The Hunt Club
Oct. 26-Johnny T's
Nov.16-Cavoni's (3rd Thursday)
Robert Henthorne, Choir Director

Cathy Johnson, Interim Pastor
Jonesville First Presbyterian Church
300 East Chicago Street
P.O. Box 6
Jonesville, Mi 49250
"All mail must include the P.O.Box #6
Pastor Lynne Fry
Letter From the Pastor:
“Wisdom begins with reverence of the Lord, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”
– Proverbs 1:7
Dear Church,
It’s May! The month of Mother’s Day, Proms and Graduations, Riverfest, Memorial Day,
Pentecost. There’s a lot happening, which has me thinking about life: rites of passage that
shape us, mothers and teachers who influence us, events that impact our identities, people –
beloved and strangers—who have sacrificed so much for our well-being, freedom, and growth.
May is a month of reflection, which often leads to more questions.
Personally, I love questions. (Usually more than answers!) Questions open us up, inviting us to
look deeper or wider than perhaps we normally would. They can open portals into new
dimensions. Questions invite power sharing, as we listen to one another. They can be
provocative, disarming, even life changing. Jesus knew the transformative power of questions
and utilized their incisive edges effectively and often. Out of the 325 some questions He asked,
236 were unique. “What do you want me to do for you?” “What do you think?” “Who do you say
that I am?” “Do you love me?” “Do you want to made well?” Which is your favorite?
All this reflection has me pondering. What questions are you asking in this season of your
own life? What questions are you asking in this season of the life of Jonesville First
Presbyterian Church?
How would you categorize the season of life that we are in? What do you long to see happen?
What are you grieving, hoping for, and working towards? How will you use your gifts, talents,
and passions to envision and build the next chapter of JFPC?
Confusion, grappling, and incredulity are also forms of questions. Think of Mary, the mother of
Jesus at the Annunciation asking, “HOW can this be?” Or Thomas, refusing to believe until he
had been shown the same proof of Jesus’s resurrection as the other disciples. Or even the
father who brough his son to Jesus for healing who exclaimed, “Lord, I believe. Help my
unbelief. Each of these stayed present to their doubts and questions as they sought faith. They
kept seeking and asking until they received wisdom and epiphanies, sometimes one question at
a time. What about you? What doubts do you have? What do you need to “touch and see” so
that God can help guide you into believing even in our current season?
A favorite quote of mine comes from Austrian poet and novelist Ranier Marie Rilke, who offered
this advice to a young poet: “Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love
the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign
tongue. Do not seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to
live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then
gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”
May God grant us the patience, creativity, and grace to live the questions of this season of our
church and gradually to live into their answers.
In Christ’s Grace and Love,
Pastor Lynne

Click on Give Now to arrange payments to JFPC through the Presbytary.
You are Invited to:
1) Donate supplies to Kings Kupboard Food Pantry operated by Trinity Lutheran Church. Ellen Justice-Templeton has provided lists of needed items and as they are brought to JFPC she will take them to the pantry.
2)Join our Sewing with Purpose group on Friday mornings as we make sundresses for a mission project.
All skill levels are needed. We start at 9am and finish about noon, but you can come and go as you please. Portable sewing machines are welcome! Sewing will begin on Friday, October 13th.
Services are held in the main Church:
Sunday Morning Services are at 10:30 AM
in person and online
Communion is held on Easter Sunday and the first Sunday of each month.
Current Events
100 Women Who Care - Jonesville Chapter - 2nd Monday in January, April, July and October at 6:15 p.m.
Take a Break Lunch- Third Thursday of each month, 12:00 p.m.
Bible Study-Wed at 10:30am
Grief Recovery Group-1:15pm
circle up - 2nd Wed of month at 5:30pm and 4th Friday at 10:00am at the church
Pub Theology - TBD
Prayer is the key to Heaven, but FaithUnlocks the Door

Maundy Thursday
6:30 pm
Community Prayer Stations & Worship
at Jonesville United Methodist Church
Good Friday
6:30 pm
Community Stations of the Cross &
Worship Service
at Trinity Lutheran Church Hillsdale
Easter Sunday
Community Easter Sunrise Service
at Jonesville First Presbyterian Church

Vicky Arno, our administrative assistant

Beer Bread by Circle Up

Marilyn's BlessingBoxes

The lunch crowd at the 2022 Christmas bazaar.

Jeanine and the Claus's

Our JFPC elf,Jeanine, will paint your face for absolutely no charge! Any age is welcome!
The bazaar is a great day for families to gather, do a little shopping, share a little lunch, visit with friends.
Dave Steel holds our newest baptised baby, Abram.
Have you ever wondered what it means to be a person of faith? Christian? Presbyterian? Member of JFPC?
Here is your chance to find out. We will offer a 3 week class to explore these questions (with field trips!)
At the end of the course you will have the option of joining the church. Membership is not required. This is a great way to explore
Your faith, our history, and where you fit. All are welcome (including current members). It’s also offered to our youth who may have missed Confirmation class due to the pandemic.
WHEN: Next membership class will be announced in the fall.

It's never too early to begin to learn the art of prayer.

Our church operates with the generous co-operation of volunteers from our congregation. Sign up lists are located on the bulletin board in the fellowship hallway next to the church office. We need people to usher, light candles before each service, provide refreshments for fellowship hour and be the liturgist assisting our pastor with the Sunday Service. If you have a gift that you would like to share with the church, please add your name to one of the lists, or all three!!
Please read the newsletter for complete information on the status of the 2024 Holy Land trip
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go-to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Make sure to save the 1st Saturday in December for the JFPC Christmas Bazaar. Baked goods, vendors and a luncheon are on the menu for that day.

Holidays are always special at JFPC!

Mask wearing is at your discretion!!

Welcome to our Rakers-Roberta Friends

Sewing with Purpose
Jonesville First Presbyterian Church
300 East Chicago Street
P.O.Box 6
Jonesville, Mi 49250

In 2023 Jonesville First Presbyterian Church
will celebrate an anniversary (170 years since
our first church building was erected, and
145? years since we have been in our current
building). We would love to compile a col-
lection of photos of our church throughout the
years. If you happen to have wedding pic-
tures, Sunday School photos, or others of our
church from earlier years – different paint
colors, before the Fellowship Hall wing was
added, etc, we would love to make copies of

Welcome to 2023

Photos Needed!!!
Pastor Lynne McQuown Fry

Do you need prayer? Pastor Lynne McQuown is working from home and sharing daily devotionals and prayer times on Facebook. She is available for you!
Prayer Works!!!

Liturgists are an important part of our service and we appreciate our volunteers. Feel free to contact Mary Skupinski if you would like to participate in this manner.

Holy Land Bound

Happy Birthday Jeanine!

1st Sunday of the month
Communion Sunday Service

Grief Group Our congregation has suffered significant losses in the past couple of years. Many in our midst are grieving – the loss of loved ones, jobs, relationships, health. If you are in grief, (over anything), you are invited to JFPC’s Grief Group. We have no curriculum, no agenda, no purpose other than to listen, to support each other, and to offer a safe place to grieve openly. We will meet Wednesdays at 1:15pm.
FEB. calendar of events


Small Title
The Mick Sisters

Sharon and Scott Dow

Kathi and Ron Boyle

Mary and Tim Skupinski

Please email us.